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Safer Internet Day

Children across the school celebrated Safer Internet Day with learning based around the theme of ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘.  Children in Reception listened to the story ‘Chicken Clicking’ about a little chick who discovers the farmer’s computer and clicks away buying lots of expensive items! The children acted out parts of the story and talked about asking permission to use other people’s devices. 


Children in Key Stage 1 talked about protecting themselves from scams online.  They discussed why it’s important not to share passwords and how winning a prize online might not be exactly what it seems! Children talked about asking permission from their grown-ups before downloading any games.  They also identified different trusted adults, who they can talk to if they are worried about anything online.  Children drew some amazing pictures of their trusted adults.

In Key Stage 2, children discussed different scenarios and talked about whether it was a scam.  The children also talked about the dangers of phishing (when a scammer ‘hooks’ in somebody by pretending to be a company or organisation).  Children learned that phishing can happen through emails, texts, links in games, social media messages or fake websites, with the aim of collecting personal information (passwords, phone numbers, emails addresses and bank details).  Children talked about how they can protect their profiles online and some made posters.