The Governing Body of Leatherhead Trinity School & Nursery
Co-Chairs: Mrs Alice Emmerson and Mrs Laura Barnes
Clerk: Cecile Mazewski
To contact the Chair of the Governing Body please email or alternatively the Clerk on
The Governing Body comprises members of the local community, foundation church authorities, parents, school staff and representatives of the Local Authority.
As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:
- target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
- develop and adapt broad practices to ensure full participation
- prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
- address potential 'blind spots' through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks
However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable.
The Governing Body of Leatherhead Trinity School & Nursery is constituted and represented as below. Details regarding strategic responsibilities, declared business interests and attendance can be found within the linked documents.
Foundation Governors (3)
Mrs Gill Walker
Revd Will Perry
Revd Dan Balsdon |
Appointed by Methodist Circuit 01.01.22, first 01.01.18
Appointed by Diocese (CofE) 18.01.23 Chair of Christian Distinctiveness Monitoring Group |
Appointed by The United Reformed Church Southern Synod |
Parent Governors (3)
Mr Douglas Willcock |
Mrs Alice Emmerson Co-Chair of Governors |
Mrs Laura Barnes Co-Chair of Governors |
Elected by Parents 15.10.21, first 13.10.17 Chair of Community and Sustainability Monitoring Group Health and Safety Governor |
Elected by Parents 26.05.23, first 24.05.19
Elected by Parents 26.05.23
Local Authority Governor (1):
Mr Andrew Cooke |
Appointed by Surrey County Council 23.03.22 Chair of Business and Finance Monitoring Group |
Co-opted Governors (3):
Cllr Tim Hall | Mr John Willis |
Mrs Rosemary Deacon |
Appointed by the Governing Body 10.06.23, first 10.06.19 |
Appointed by the Governing Body 28.04.21 |
Appointed by the Governing Body 02.11.22 Chair of Teaching and Learning Monitoring Group Safeguarding, Online Safety and Children Looked After Governor |
Staff Governor (1):
Mrs Lucy Oakhill |
Elected by Staff 07.05.21 SEND Governor |
Headteacher (Ex-Officio):
Mrs Elizabeth Killin, Headteacher
Associate Members
The following individuals attend governor meeting but have no voting rights:
Mrs Hannah Gray, Deputy Headteacher
Clerk to the Governing body:
Cecile Mazewski