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The SEND Information Report is updated annually to reflect changes and plans within the school. This report states the current provision within Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery.


What types of Special Educational Needs does Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery provide for?

Leatherhead Trinity is a two-form entry, mainstream Primary school for children from 2 to 11 years old, providing wrap-around care in the form of Breakfast and After School club. The school also has a Speech, Language and Communication Needs Centre (SLCN).  This offers specialist provision for children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which allows us to access wide range of resources, professionals and expertise.   We offer a broad and creative curriculum that is exciting and engaging and we are proud of our inclusive environment. Our school is physically accessible with a lift to the first floor, electronic door systems around school and disabled toilet facilities, including a shower room.

Provision is made at Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery to ensure children identified as having additional needs in the four areas specified in the SEN Code of Practice 2015 receive appropriate additional support.

These four areas are:

  • Communication and Interaction (CI)
  • Cognition and Learning (CL)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH)
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs (SPN)

Children are supported through Quality First Teaching and interventions such as: SALT (Colourful Semantics, specific vocabulary, Blank Levels and Information Carrying Words), ELSA, Precision Teaching, NELI (Reception), 1:1 speech and language sessions, pre-teaching, catch-up teaching, small phonics groups and specific afterschool tutoring.

We run a nurture class, The Burrow, every afternoon, which focusses on the strands of the Boxall Profile.  The Burrow works with children and families on a short-term basis, up to 4 terms, in order to support young people who have attachment related social, behavioural, emotional and wellbeing needs which could otherwise become long-term barriers to learning and attainment. 

We also respond to the needs of the children on roll at any one time, ensuring that we can fully support them using the best strategies and systems.

Academic year 2023-2024:

% of primary pupils with:

School *

Local (Surrey) **

National ***

SEN Support




EHC Plans








*school data based on numbers July 2024

** Data from

*** June 2024

 More detail about our educational provision for all our children can be found in our Teaching and Learning Policy.

RWInc phonics                       Individual Work Station                               Zones of Regulation

Small social, emotional groups

How do we identify and assess pupils with SEND at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School?

We assess each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry and all pupils at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School are carefully monitored through a pupil progress process.

 Class teachers make regular assessments of progress for all pupils and identify those whose progress:

  • is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
  • does not match or better the pupil’s previous rate of progress
  • does not close the attainment gap between the pupil and their peers
  • is raised as a concern by a parent or carers

This may include progress in areas other than attainment, for example, social and emotional or sensory needs.

During a half-termly SEN staff meeting, teachers will work alongside the SENDCo to review current support plans in place for pupils on the SEND register. During this time, staff reflect and evaluate the strategies and interventions being used and provide an update on progress towards each target. At the end of each term, new support provision maps are produced, which are then shared with parents/carers.

In addition to this, teachers can discuss any concerns about additional pupils in their class who may need to go on to our monitoring cycle. These pupils will then be monitored closely and if necessary, internal specialist staff (SALT/ELSA) or external professionals will be consulted.

To support children with SEMH (social, emotional and mental health) needs, the SENDCo, Deputy Designated Leads (DDLs) and Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) liaise closely with parents, class teachers and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) to identify any additional needs to discuss how best to support each individual child.  

Further information can be found in our SEND policy and Teaching and Learning policy on our website.

Fast Track Tutoring RWInc

What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEND at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School?

Children on the SEND register at our school are entitled to Quality First Teaching and will follow the National Curriculum offer, wherever possible.

Our aims:

  • To provide a happy and secure learning environment, where all needs are met, and all successes are praised.
  • To ensure staff follow the National Curriculum and EYFS guidance when planning and delivering lessons, alongside our own progression documents.
  • Building Learning Power is embedded in our practice and celebrated each week during an assembly.
  • To offer engaging and practical lessons that allow all learners to develop their knowledge and skills, whilst increasing their confidence.
  • Pupils have experiences of their own and other religious and cultural backgrounds and values.

If needed, additional adaptations will be made to support individual pupils further, for example individualised timetables and specific interventions or adult support.

Through our website you can find more information about our school vision and ethos and detailed information on each strand of the curriculum we offer.

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress of all the pupils in their class and wherever possible, ensure barriers are reduced and every pupil is achieving.

   Our School Values are displayed around the school

How will we involve other organisations in meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and supporting their families at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School?

Our SENDCo and Head of SLCN seek advice and support from external professionals and agencies in line with our school SEND policy.

The external agencies provide support through school observations, assessments of individuals, attendance at annual reviews where necessary and written reports. They will also discuss their observations and assessments with parents.

Examples of external support include:

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapists
  • School Nurse
  • Social Workers
  • Family Support Workers
  • Specialist Teaching Team (STIP), for learning and behaviour
  • Physical and Sensory Support (PSS), working with children with physical, hearing vision or communication impairments
  • Early Years SEND Advisors
  • Speech and Language (SALT)
  • Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
  • Learning Space
  • Surrey Young Carers
  • Jigsaw South East, support for children through the death of a loved one
  • Children’s Centre Course, such as Parenting Puzzles 


Fred, is our fully trained Therapy Dog

What training do staff have in relation to the needs of pupils at Leatherhead Trinity Primary school?

Our SENDCo and Head of SLCN attend regular training and updates from Surrey County Council and share this information with staff at regular staff meetings.

This year, staff have accessed training for supporting children with SEND within the classroom delivered by our SEND team, colourful semantics and writing smart targets. Other training has also included effective intervention training, AET, safety intervention working, speech and language therapy training, Outreach support for specific pupils and ELSA.  


How do we adapt the learning environment at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School?

Leatherhead Trinity Primary School is fully accessible for wheelchair users, and we have disabled toilets as well as a shower room, a lift, disabled parking, wide doors for wheelchair access and electronic door systems.

We have also made necessary adaptations to meet pupils’ needs, including:

  • adapting the curriculum to ensure all pupils can access it, for example, 1:1 support, teaching style, content of the lesson, multi-sensory learning, group work.
  • adapting resources and staffing.
  • using recommended aids, such as laptops, iPads, Bluetooth keyboards, coloured overlays, visual timetables, larger font, triangular pencils, pencil grips, looped scissors, support cushions, fidgets, ear defenders and individual workstations.
  • adapting our teaching, for example, giving longer processing times, pre-teaching of key vocabulary, reading instructions aloud, Scanmarkers to read the text, additional videos on iPads.
  • modification of the environment to meet physical, sensory and medical needs of a child if required.
  • use of smaller rooms for specific interventions.

Where a pupil requires equipment, such as specific furniture, or adaptations to the building such as handrails or ramps, the school will liaise with the appropriate outside agencies or Local Authority.

Where necessary, further funding will be sought through application to the Early Years Team or the LA as outlined in the SEND policy.


Individualised timetables                                       Nursery’s sensory area


How do we enable pupils with SEND to engage in activities with other pupils who do not have SEND?

Our aim is that all pupils have the same opportunities in school, and we will make reasonable adjustments to make this so.

  • All extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all pupils.
  • All pupils are encouraged to go on residential trip(s).
  • All pupils are encouraged to take part in sports day/school plays/special workshops etc.
  • Pupils are not excluded from activities because of their SEND. Some activities may need adaptions. If there are concerns about the participation of a pupil with SEND, schools will complete a risk assessment (involving parents and carers) to identify risks and plan reasonable adjustments to meet needs and protect the pupils’ safety and the safety of others (if appropriate).

What are the arrangements for consulting pupils and the parents/carers of pupils with SEND at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School and involving them in their own education, or the education of their child?

At Leatherhead Trinity Primary School, parents/carers are fully included in the education of their child.

This includes:

  • Termly parent/teacher meetings to review and discuss the termly Individual Support Plans.
  • Parents/carers are emailed the termly Individual Support Plan, or a copy can be printed upon request, to ensure they know the targets their children are working on and support how they can help at home.
  • Parents/carers of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan are also invited to attend an annual review meeting, at least once a year.
  • Support and inclusion in assessments and on-going support provided by professionals from outside of school.
  • Parental representation on the Governing Body.
  • ELSA leaflets to support parents whose children are struggling with their Social and Emotional Mental Health.
  • Regular Facebook / Instagram updates and photos to share school information.
  • Newsletters and emails share Local Offers to support parents.
  • Open-door policy ensures that the class teacher and the SENDCo and SLCN Lead are available to discuss any worries and concerns.
  • Pupils at Leatherhead Trinity are fully involved in their learning education. Each Individual Support Plan for SEND children is discussed with the pupil and their views are recorded.

How do we assess and review pupils’ progress towards their outcomes?

We follow the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review.

The class teacher works with the SENDCO to carry out a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs.

This draws on:

  • the teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil
  • the pupil’s previous progress, attainment and behaviour
  • other teachers’ assessments, where relevant
  • the pupil’s development in comparison to their peers and national data
  • the views and experiences of parents
  • the pupil’s own views
  • advice from external support services.


The effectiveness of support and intervention, and the progress of pupils is reviewed regularly by the SENDCo, class teacher and external professionals where required.


How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEND provision at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School?

The effectiveness of provision for pupils with SEN is evaluated by the class teacher, SENCo and SLT by:

  • reviewing pupils’ individual progress towards their goals each term
  • reviewing the impact of interventions after an agreed number of weeks
  • capturing pupil voice by talking with SEND pupils
  • data analysis
  • using Individual Support Plans and EHCP individual education plans to measure progress towards goals
  • holding annual reviews for pupils with Education Health & Care Plans.

At Leatherhead Trinity, we work closely with our governing body.  The governing body are responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the provisions in place for pupils identified with SEND and they receive a report from the Head of Inclusion and Head of Centre on the progress of pupils with SEND.  The named governor, meets regularly with the Head of Inclusion and monitors SEND provision within the school.  You can contact the governors via the School Office.  

What are the arrangements made by the governing body for dealing with complaints from parents/carers of pupils in relation to the provision made at Leatherhead Trinity Primary School?

  • We advise parents/carers about how to make a complaint about SEND provision. The Headteacher will then discuss the complaint with the class teacher and SENDCo. If the matter is not fully resolved parents and carers will follow the school’s complaints policy, which can be found online.

The parents/carers of pupils with disabilities have the right to make disability discrimination claims to the first-tier SEN and/or disabilities tribunal if they believe that the school has discriminated against their child. They can make a claim about alleged discrimination regarding:

    • Exclusions
    • Provision of education and associated services
    • Making reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services


How do we support pupils transferring between phases of education or in preparing for adulthood?

We plan carefully for transition between different stages of education (transition from Nurseries, between year groups, in-year transfers and transition to Secondary school) to be a positive experience that helps pupils to feel safe and continue to progress. Parents/carers always have the opportunity to meet the new teacher and class staff.

We share information with other schools at transition points. Social stories can be used to help children with transition, and these can be taken home, with specific photos, to aid families over the holidays.


Transition involves a range of activities including:

  • all pupils taking part in a ‘moving up morning’ with their class and new teacher
  • year 6 children take part in ‘move up days’ with their peers to their new school
  • where necessary, SEND pupils have additional visits to the school
  • The SENDCo has a conversation with the SENDCo at the receiving school for all pupils on the SEND register if requested
  • The SENDCo from the receiving school is encouraged to visit pupils with an EHCP or complex needs in school to meet them and the class teacher prior to transition
  • Where possible, the SENDCo from the receiving school is invited to the Interim Annual Review meeting in the summer term.

 We encourage these meetings to be face to face.


See what people think about us

Testimonial and feedback:

Parents of children with SEND at our school say:

‘We're lucky to work with such a great team at Trinity…Teachers understand our child's needs and are working with us closely to ensure he is supported. ‘

‘I am very happy with Leatherhead Trinity School. The teachers are amazing and have helped and supported both my children. understanding my eldest child's needs and emotional battles and both my children are happy and blossoming.’

‘The support we received to obtain an EHCP was excellent’

‘I am very happy with the support my child gets at LHT ‘

Spring term 2024 Governor survey to all parents of children with SEND

‘Thank you for what we have learnt today with all the tips and how to assist our child with the phonics check. Thank you to all the teachers for all your hard work towards the children. You are greatly recognised and appreciated.’

‘I found the insight into the phonics lesson plans really helpful and links to other reading sites. Seeing my child in class actively getting involved and enjoying phonics was fabulous. I like and now understand the reasons behind the small groups and regrouping.’

‘It was good to see what (my child) is actually capable of. Ms Forrester is well equipped and I saw (my child) read with good confidence.’

‘I find these sessions very helpful, I love being able to get a glimpse into my son’s lessons’

‘Thank you so much for giving meaningful insights about phonics. And it was really nice to observe how the kids learn phonics at school.’

‘The workshop was informative. It’s nice to know how the children are taught to read and how parents can assist the children as well.’

Parent workshop feedback, March 2024

The high level of TEACCH visual structure in the room provided an excellent level of positive support for the students. A high degree of quality support and structure is already in place.

We're lucky to work with such a great team at Trinity - Mr and Mrs Gattey, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Winteridge in particular. Teachers understand our child's needs and are working with us closely to ensure he is supported.

The support we received to obtain an EHCP was excellent - the frustrations are at local

Report from Fox Grove Outreach team, November 2023

Changes implemented in 2023 – 2024

More extensive support from Surrey’s ASD Outreach services for specific pupils

Introduced Reciprocal Reading intervention for years 5 and 6

Introduced the SHINE reading intervention for years 3 and 4

Implemented Fresh Start intervention for years 4, 5 and 6, a phonics intervention for children who did not pass the phonics check

Engaged in the ASPIRE project for ear 6 to year 7 and nursery to reception with Surrey’s STIP Team

Introduced the support of the Mental Health Support Team to work with key children in order to address mental health concerns

Introduced Scanmarker equipment to support children with their reading or translation into another language

Links and documents:

Our SENDCo is Anna Gattey and the Head of SLCN Sian Elston.  Both of them can be contacted at  or via the telephone on 01372 813615.