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Pupil Voice

We asked some of our pupils how they are settling into the new academic year, here’s what they had to say…

‘‘What has been your most memorable learning experience since you started in your new year group?’’





‘I loved the residential. It was great to have a full week of something different. Learning at school is also very varied but I liked all the new challenges.’ (Year 6 pupil) 

‘I liked the immersion we did as evacuees for our WW2 topic. We made carrot cakes and learnt about what life was like which was really interesting.’ (Year 6 pupil)

‘Hooke court was the best. We learnt so much about Romans. Before we went we didn’t know very much at all!’ (Year 5 pupil)

‘We’ve been reading Charlie and the chocolate factory in guided reading. It’s great! We’ve been inventing our own chocolates too which has been really good fun.’ (Year 4 pupil)

‘We did topic work about the Mayans, I liked making the headdresses.’ (Year 4 pupil)

‘We had a Viking day, it was fun learning about them.’ (Year 3 pupil)

‘We dressed up as pirates and went to the pirate park. When we came back to school we did maps and I did some really good writing.’ (Year 2 pupil)

‘We’ve been doing number sentences in maths, I like learning about number sentences.’ (Year 1/2 pupil) ​

‘Playing football. At my old school (child new in Y1) we weren’t allowed any toys at playtime but here you get things to play with.’ (Year 1 pupil) 

What have you got better at since you started your new year group? What has your teacher helped you make progress with?

‘Long division. My teacher explained it really well and was very patient to help me to understand it.’ (Year 6 pupil) 

‘Multiplication with bigger numbers. My teacher showed me how to split numbers to help.’ (Year 6 pupil)

‘My writing has got better because my teacher models what you have to do really well. I really liked writing my mystery story linked to the video we watched.’ (Year 5 pupil)

‘Maths, particularly dividing. I used to hate it but I like it a bit more because I understand it a bit more now.’ (Year 5 pupil)

​​​​​​‘Presentation and handwriting. My teacher made me concentrate on it more and he showed me an example of what a good one looks like so I knew what to do. Also he told my mum at parent’s evening that I need to read aloud more and now I’m doing that and it helps me understand.’ (Year 4 pupil)

‘Spelling. We practise spelling all the time so that has helped me improve.’ (Year 4 pupil)

‘Dividing. Now I know different ways to do it not just one.’ (Year 3 pupil)

‘Maths, adding and subtracting. My teacher tells me if I’ve got it wrong so I can get better.’ (Year 2 pupil)

‘Number sentences. My teacher helps me by letting me use numicon and other things.’ (Year 1/2 pupil)

‘Eating lunch. I never used to eat at my old school. I like lunches here.’ (Year 1 pupil)